I was fed up with watching the same shows on Netflix every night after work, so I picked up a needle & thread and never put them down.
I was desperate for a way to keep my hands busy that wasn't just scrolling on my phone while half-watching Parks and Rec for the fourth time. And, ironically enough, that's exactly how I found embroidery. I was scrolling through Pinterest when I found something that caught my eye, and — probably just like you — I thought to myself "I can totally do that".
On my way home from work the next day, I took myself straight to the craft store. I picked up the essential supplies the internet told me I needed to get started — a bit of fabric, a hoop, embroidery floss, a pack of needles, and the cutest stork scissors. Over the next few days I took a deep dive through YouTube, watching video after video of different stitches and practicing alongside them.
After a few projects, the repetitve motion of the stitches started to feel so natural, as if the needle was guiding me. The relaxing and mindful nature of embroidery had me captivated and eager for more. As a lifelong creative soul, I was amazed by the endless possibilities of what I could bring to life.
Being an artist has always been a secret dream of mine — something I was never brave enough to even whisper.
Creating has always been a cornerstone of my life, and I was incredibly blessed to grow up in a family that nourished and encouraged my creative ways. Saturday morning painting lessons were the highlight of my weekends for over a decade. Even as an angsty teenager, I loved those sacred moments spent in my teacher's paint-covered studio, creating my own "Tatum originals" as my family called them.
When the time came to go to college, I chose the only major I was ever good enough at in high school — chemistry. And while studying slowly took over all of my time, creating took a backseat, somehow always out of reach. By the time I walked across the stage to get my diploma, it had been years since I created in the way my soul craved. I was overwhelmed and exhausted from years of studying something that, in the end, didn't set my soul on fire. And when I ended up finding a job in my field right out of college, creating stayed in its comfortable seat in the back of my mind.
Fast forward to 2020, and I finally found what the universe was calling me to.
In late 2020, I officially started Threaded by Tatum and my secret dream was becoming a reality.
I found endless joy in embroidery and creating, and I knew I wanted to share that joy with others. After months of teaching myself, developing my unique style, and connecting with the embroidery community on Instagram, I decided to open my small business in the fall of 2020.
Just weeks later, I lost my laboratory job due to the pandemic. I fought to find the right path to take after such a major life change, and it's partly thanks to my husband that Threaded by Tatum is what it is today. Because I was already experiencing extreme anxiety with the state of the world, he encouraged me to stay home and take care of my mental health. This act of selflessness and love gave me the space to grow — as a human, artist, and business owner.
I've spent the time since then experimenting with thread, creating DIY embroidery patterns and kits, and curating a collection of my favorite stitchy supplies.

Jump to 2022, and I confidently and proudly consider myself an artist and I know that younger Tatum would be overwhelmingly excited and proud of what I've accomplished.
Owner and Artist
She/Her | INTJ | Type 5w4
At Threaded by Tatum, I create beginner friendly embroidery patterns and kits that are inspired by the beauty of nature to encourage you to connect with your creative side. My intention is to make embroidery accessible, wherever you may be in your creative journey, and to help you feel empowered to try something new
Fun facts about me:
☼ My husband and I grew up in different towns in central FL, met at college in north FL in 2014, and just bought our first house here!
☼ When I'm not embroidering, you can probably find me walking with my husband and dog, baking bread, reading a book, or playing a board game.
☼ I've been vegan for almost 8 years! I absolutely love cooking and recreating my childhood favorites. My favorite foods have always been some combination of carbs and cheese — pizza, grilled cheese, mac & cheese — now I just make them vegan :)
I am so honored to share the joy of embroidery with you and I can't wait for you to get started!